Archived Posts


12/2019 — My Top 5 'Coolest' Studies of 2019

11/2019 — Stress-induced metabolic disorder in peripheral CD4+ T cells leads to anxiety-like behavior

10/2019 — Electrical and synaptic integration of glioma into neural circuits

9/2019 — Dopamine signaling and weight loss - Mechanistic insights from mice, rats, and humans

8/2019CD24 signaling through macrophage Siglec-10 is a target for cancer immunotherapy

7/2019Transneuronal propagation of pathologic alpha-synuclein from the gut to the brain models Parkinson's disease

6/2019Progenitors from the central nervous system drive neurogenesis in cancer

5/2019Exercise enhances motor skill learning by neurotransmitter switching in the adult midbrain

4/2019A gut-to-brain signal of fluid osmolarity controls thirst satiation

3/2019 Mammalian Near-Infrared Image Vision through Injectable and Self-Powered Retinal Nanoantennae

2/2019Rocking Promotes Sleep in Mice through Rhythmic Stimulation of the Vestibular System

1/2019My Top 5 Coolest Studies of 2018!


12/2018Defined Paraventricular Hypothalamic Populations Exhibit Differential Responses to Food Contingent on Caloric State

11/2018My Coverage of #SfN2018 (Nov. 3-7th)

#SFN18 Day 1 Recap: Circadian Surprises and Blowing Up Brains!

#SFN18 Day 2 Recap: Controlling Neurons with Ultrasound and a Novel Avenue for Depression Treatment?

#SFN2018 Day 3: Chili Peppers, Inflammatory Pain...and I Won an Award! :)

#SFN2018 Day 4: Brain's Reward System Dictates Sleep and Wakefulness

10/2018T cells in patients with narcolepsy target self-antigens of hypocretin neurons

9/2018Modulation of anti-tumor immunity by the brain's reward system