Hey all! This coming month we will be taking a break from regular journal club to cover the happenings at the biggest scientific meeting in the world: The Society for Neuroscience (SfN) annual meeting in San Diego, CA.
If you’ve been to the News section of this website, you’ve noticed that I have been selected to be an ‘official blogger’ for the meeting, so many of the posts here will be simultaneously posted on NeurOnline.
My primary areas of focus are Theme I: Techniques, and Theme F: Integrative Physiology & Behavior
Me in what is possibly the wrinkliest shirt in existence at #SFN 2015.
In this introductory post, I wanted to share my itinerary so you know what talks/posters I find interesting and which I plan on visiting. If you’re a meeting attendee, please feel to reach out and talk to me about your research or about other things at the meeting that you think are interesting.
Please keep an eye on these blog posts for in depth coverage of the meeting. For ‘real-time’ updates, follow me on twitter.
Check out my itinerary for the meeting HERE. This itinerary is (of course) subject to change so don’t take it as dogma.